Weight-loss goals can mean the difference between success and failure.Of course,well-planned weight-loss goals keep you focused and motivated,but not all goals are helpful.Overly aggressive weight-loss goals,for example losing few kilograms a week or a month can undermine your efforts.
I remember the first time I set my goal was three years back. I wanted to lose at least 5kg in three years,before my diploma graduation as I wanted to look good in my convocation with my graduation gown and mortar board on. Back then I weighed 98kg.Do you think it's easy for an obese lady like whom I was, to lose even a kg? Definitely not right? But I did ! I have reduced 33kg in three years. Some may think it is not a big deal cos there are people out there who can do better than I am. But to be honest, i am a bit proud of myself. This has been my greatest and biggest life achievement so far. I have never imagined that I would have come this far. Transformation may sound simple but it's not easy.
Before going into the next stage of life (degree studies), I'm going to set another new goal. I wish I weighed 50 or 55 on my degree convocation.I'm going to make that happen. It may sound ridiculous I know but I think it's always OK to dream big.
Getting healthy and losing weight doesn't only start in the kitchen or in the gym,it starts in your mind.Deeply ingrained thoughts and beliefs are the source of bad eating and exercise habits.It can result in a negative,overweight self-image.No diet or exercise program can succeed if our mind is working against us.In order to lose weight or maintain your ideal body weight,you must win the mental game of weight control with your inner self.
I didn't use any fancy exercise regimen,no expensive trainers or classes. I didn't get surgery or join some crazy fitness cult where they monitor everything you do and eat from here to eternity. I become my own trainer and I have my own classes at home with myself and sometimes a few best buds will join in.The way I did it is a method you probably don't hear of very often.I got my mind straight.Many of you already know the basic ways to lose weight.Everyone does.You eat less and exercise more.That's it.Sounds simple right? Maybe even too simple.Because losing weight is hard.Trust me,I know.It has taken me over three years to get here.
Eat less and move your body more.Why does something so simple feel so impossible? This is because we are not just dealing with calories.We are dealing with people.We are dealing with ourselves and we need to understand what we really need and want.I believe that for everyone who is overweight or obese and doesn't want to be,there's a story.
There's a story about how they got that way.Therefore,there needs to be a story for how they're going to stop being that way.Some people ignore these stories.They hire a trainer or buy some weight loss program without actually engaging with the stories of their lives.Unsurprisingly,these people pretty much always fail to get thin and even if they do,the vast majority end up gaining all of the weight back.
Losing weight is as much psychological as it is physical.Counting calories and workout plans are fine but we do not change our behaviour without dealing with our mind and our emotions.
Remember,your journey isn't the same as anyone else,but it doesn't matter when you start or why you start,it only matters that you start.You aren't too old,too heavy or too set in your ways.Just decide you can owe it to your fabulous life to take care of you.
Like I said,losing weight and staying healthy is a mental game between you and your inner self. Best of luck to you and me.
Lots of love,